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Buffalo State College
Office of Sponsored Programs
1300 Elmwood Avenue
Bishop Hall B17
Buffalo, NY 14222-1095

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Travel Policy

The expenditure of travel funds from grant and contract awards is governed by the “Research Foundation of State University of New York Statement of Travel Policy”. These rules, designed to insure compliance with sponsor guidelines and the fulfillment of the Research Foundation’s obligation under its contract with SUNY, apply to all travel by Research Foundation employees or SUNY employees who are to be paid from any award administered by the Research Foundation. Research Foundation travel policies are consistent with university policies, and, therefore, constitute institutional policy as referred to in sponsor guidelines on the use of travel funds.

The use of sponsor funds for travel generally must be authorized by the sponsor. Prior to processing, Research Foundation Office of Sponsored Programs staff review the travel payment request to insure compliance with sponsor regulations and RF travel policy as well as determine the availability of funds. It is, therefore, advisable to check with RFSOP grants management unit before committing funds for travel purposes. Per diem and lodging rates for selected cities across the US, as well as the mileage reimbursement rates, breakouts for breakfast and dinner charges, foreign travel rates, and reimbursement rates for non overnight travel are available on this RF website.

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