Development area for economic simulation programs.

Victor Kasper's Buffalo State College Website.

A working paper based on discussion of the implications of these models can be found here.

Test of perl script hello world in Cgi-bin


Test of surplus value calculator - version 1.


Test of surplus value calculator - version 2.


Model 1. version a. Sensitivity analysis of Surplus value to the length of the working day.


Model 1. Version b. Sensitivity analysis of Surplus value to the length of the working day. This model includes a graph of the length of the working day against the rate of surplus value.


Model 1. Version c. Sensitivity analysis of Surplus value to the length of the working day. This includes three additional output tables. An index of prices and use value distribution is examined.


Model 1. Version d. Sensitivity analysis of Surplus value to the length of the working day. This includes six output tables in all. The two new tables examine the possibility that that the subsistence bundle and nominal wage will not always be equal. This will not become useful till a sensitivity analysis of other factors are considered.



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Copyright © 2001 Victor Kasper, Jr. All rights reserved. This page was created and is maintained by Victor Kasper. Last modified on March 15, 2001. The individual pieces of art are from copyright sources noted above. These individual items must be obtained from the original source sites that are noted above. The copyright material for Victor Kasper refers to the text of the article or essay, any charts or graphs and the combination and arrangement of this material. If the article or essay is jointly written the copyright is jointly held by all authors listed on the article.