Q: I'd like to have a poster; how do I get started?
A: Please refer to Instructional Resources webpage for poster samples and prices at www.buffalostate.edu/offices/ir/Computer_Graphics/fac-resources.htm. If you need additional information, please contact Computer Graphics at 878-6676.
Q: I have my own poster. What else do I need to do?
A: Reserve an easel on the application form for the Fall Forum. We have standard floor easels which hold posters from 18 x 24 to 36 x 48 inches. If your poster is larger, reserve two or even three easels. You may also request one or more foam boards if your poster is not mounted. We have foam boards 30 x 48 inches.
Q: I teach on Tuesday and Thursday. Can I drop my poster off?
A: Yes, the Houston Gym will be open at 9:00 a.m. for those wishing to drop off posters. The gym will be staffed at all times. After the Forum, you may take your poster with you, or pick it up in the Houston Gym before 2:00 p.m.
Q: I'd like to have a PowerPoint display. Is this possible?
A: Yes, be sure to request electrical power on the application form.
Q: Is there any Internet connection in the Houston Gym?
A: No, the area is not wired.
Q: Is there a drop off/pick up area?
A: There are loading zones around the Houston Gym for drop off/pick up only. www.buffalostate.edu/pdf/campusmap.pdf
Q: Are students invited?
A: Yes! We encourage students to attend. If you want students to attend and receive extra credit, sign up sheets will be available.
Q: Who should I contact if I have any questions?
A: Gina Game at gameg@rf.buffalostate.edu