Solution to PS 1 #13

Reading frame 1:  5'~CCG/GCU/AAG/AUC/UGA/CUA/GC~ 3'
Reading frame 2:  5'~C/CGG/CUA/AGA/UCU/GAC/UAG/C~ 3'
Reading frame 3:  5'~CC/GGC/UAA/GAU/CUG/ACU/AGC~ 3'
mRNA 2:
Reading frame 1:  5'~GCU/AGU/CAG/AUC/UUA/GCC/GG~ 5'
                    -Ala-Ser-Gln-Ile-Leu-Ala-Gly-   ***

Reading frame 1:  5'~G/CUA/GUC/AGA/UCU/UAG/CCG/G~ 5'

Reading frame 1:  5'~GC/UAG/UCA/GAU/CUU/AGC/CGG~ 5'

*** encodes an internal stretch of polypeptide (because in does not contain a stop codon) so the mRNA 2 is most likely to be the actual transcript. The sequnce for the polypeptide encoded is: -Ala-Ser-Gln-Ile-Leu-Ala-Gly-.

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