Life Stories

What is a Life Story

A life story is a service dedicated to celebrating a life and memories.  As your “personal historian,” I will create your story.  Through interviews I will use your words and input to create a story to be cherished and shared.  Interviews will be relaxed and focus on topics which you would like to discuss.  Through my interviews I will begin with major life events, then focus on individual stories and experiences.  I will create a story that can be shared and enjoyed. 

Our ancestors are significant-their lives and history helped shape our own lives and the lives of our children.  What may seem normal and trivial to us now may be rich anecdotes to our descendents.  Capture it for future generations!  We often wait too long to document our parents and our grandparents stories. 


            Kathy quit school at the age of 15.  It was near the end of the depression and the beginning of the war.  She lied about her age and said she was 16 so she could get a job at the spinning mill.  Her first check was for $12 and she remembers meeting her mom and going to Lord’s Restaurant and celebrating with a Butterscotch sundae. 


              Joseph gave Betsy an Air Force ring before he went to the east coast.  Joseph got his wings in Ottawa and was to be posted overseas. But there was a big scare on the west coast-someone reported seeing a Japanese sub.  Some soldiers, including Joseph were sent to the west coast. Shortly after he arrived on the west coast, Joseph wrote to Betsy and asked her to marry him. 
            Joseph then wrote Betsy’s Dad and asked for her hand in marriage.  It helped that he was a minister’s son.  Betsy never met any of the McKegney’s until after she was married.  The two of them had only been alone once in their courtship-in the family living room after everyone had gone to bed.  But Betsy agreed to marry him and started planning her move.
            Joseph sent Betsy some money for the train and asked her to “pack your red dress & come”.  Betsy had never been on a train and was still not yet 18, but got on the train and headed west.  Her Mom and Dad, packed her some food, gave her $100 as a wedding present & saw her off.