Funerals & Memorials

Losing a family member is often one of the most difficult events in our lives.  As we experience this, we want to commemorate our loved ones with a ceremony that respectfully honors and celebrates their life.  We hope for a memorial that will be a personal reflection of their life.  I officiate at Funerals and Memorials, treating this significant life event with dignity and respect for the deceased and for family and friends.  We don’t always get that from traditional funerals and funeral homes.  Let me help you create a memorable, personable event. 

Memorial Tributes

A memorial tribute is a brief story of the deceased life including memories, anecdotes and interests. A short written tribute can be prepared as a meaningful way to help those at the service both grieve and celebrate the deceased life.


I will work with the family to creat the ceremony of their choice:

  • Traditional
  • Candles
  • Nature
  • Flowers
  • Circles

Planning the Ceremony

While meeting with the family and/or friends of the beloved I will help create a fitting memorial.  I will help blend ideas and wishes of those who loved this person and were a part of his or her life.

  • I will learn about
    • The person’s life
    • The person’s family
    • The person’s end-of-life wishes
  • I will help plan a ceremony
    • Any religious elements
    • Readings
    • Music
    • Customs