Solution to PS 5 #7

Both the Bacterial RC and PSII transfer 2 electrons from a dimer of chlorophyll molecules (P680, P960) to a quinone when 2 photons are absorbed.  The electron transfer pathway through the two is basically the same starting with a dimer of chlorophylls, then a pheophytin, then two quinones.  In both the donor special pair is reoxidized between photons.  In the RC the source of electrons is 2xCyt c22+ which transfer the electrons through the C subunit (Cyt  c22+ produced  when the Cytochrome bf complex accepts the  electrons from quinol) while in PS II the electrons are extracted from H2O at the Mn4 site. There is significant homology in the core subunits that bind the special pair, pheophytin  and quinones.

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