Solution to PS 4 #10

a) DpH=7.5-6.7=0.08

By definition,  D
p=DG/nF (n=1  in this example, and  Eqn.  14.5 has also assumed  n=1)

Inserting DG from Eqn 14.5 gives;  Dp= DY-(2.303RT)DpH

and at 25 C, 2.303RT/F= 0.059 v so:

- (0.059 V)DpH=-0.18 V - (0.059 V)(0.08)= -0.23 V

b) Dpchem=[(0.059 V)(0.8/-0.23 V ]x 100%= 21%
Dpelec= [-0.18V/-0.23 V] x 100%= 78%

c) DG =nFDp= (1) (96.48 kJ V-1 mol-1(-0.23 V) = 22 kJ mol-1

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