Solution to PS 4 #3

From the difference in the standard reduction potential, Eo' and DG0',   can be calculated as follows:

For Succinate Dehydrogenase using enzyme bound FAD:

succinate -> fumarate +2e- + 2H+     has Eo'=-0.03v
FAD + 2e- + 2H+ -> FADH2           has Eo'=+0.05v

So net  if FAD is electron acceptor,  Eo'= 0.05-0.03=0.02 v and DG=-nFEo'=-2(96.48)(0.02v)= -3.9 kJ/mol

using NAD+ a electron acceptor instead would mean;

succinate -> fumarate +2e- + 2H+      has Eo'= -.03 v
NAD+ + 2e- +2H+ -> NADH          has Eo'=-0.32v

So net Eo'= -0.03 -0.32v=-0.35 v and DG=-2(96.48 v)(-0.35v)= + 68 kJ/mol.

So the oxidation of succinate by FAD is favored by the negative free energy change (DGo'= -3.9 kJ/mol).  The oxidation of NAD+ would require a large, positive free energy change (DGo'= 68 kJ/mol).

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